Source code for adg.bmbpt

"""Routines and class for Bogoliubov MBPT diagrams."""

import copy
import itertools
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import adg.tsd
import adg.diag

[docs]def diagrams_generation(p_order, three_body_use, nbody_obs, canonical): """Generate diagrams for BMBPT from bottom up. Args: p_order (int): The BMBPT perturbative order of the studied diagrams. three_body_use (bool): Flag for the use of three-body forces. nbody_obs (int): N-body character of the obervable of interest. canonical (bool): ``True`` if one draws only canonical diagrams. Returns: (list): NumPy arrays encoding the adjacency matrices of the graphs. >>> diagrams_generation(1, False, 2, False) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [array([[0, 4], [0, 0]]), array([[0, 2], [0, 0]])] >>> diagrams_generation(1, True, 3, False) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [array([[0, 6], [0, 0]]), array([[0, 4], [0, 0]]), array([[0, 2], [0, 0]])] >>> diagrams_generation(2, False, 2, True) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [array([[0, 2, 2], [0, 0, 2], [0, 0, 0]]), array([[0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 3], [0, 0, 0]])] """ # Matrices contain operator vertex + p_order perturbative vertices order = p_order + 1 # Create a null oriented adjacency matrix of dimension (p_order,p_order) matrices = [[[0 for _ in range(order)] for _ in range(order)]] # Generate oriented adjacency matrices going vertex-wise vertices = range(order) add = matrices.append for vertex in vertices: if vertex == 0: deg_max = 2*nbody_obs else: deg_max = 6 if three_body_use else 4 for sum_index in xrange(vertex+1, order): for mat_indx in xrange(len(matrices)-1, -1, -1): mat = matrices[mat_indx] elem_max = deg_max - sum(mat[k][vertex] + mat[vertex][k] for k in vertices) for elem in xrange(1, elem_max + 1, 1): temp_mat = copy.deepcopy(mat) temp_mat[vertex][sum_index] = elem add(temp_mat) adg.diag.check_vertex_degree( matrices, three_body_use, nbody_obs, canonical, vertex ) if 0 < vertex < order-1: check_unconnected_spawn(matrices, vertex, order) matrices.sort(reverse=True) return [np.array(matrix) for matrix in matrices]
[docs]def check_unconnected_spawn(matrices, max_filled_vertex, length_mat): """Exclude some matrices that would spawn unconnected diagrams. Args: matrices (list): The adjacency matrices to be checked. max_filled_vertex (int): The furthest vertex until which the matrices have been filled. length_mat (int): The size of the square matrices. >>> mats = [[[0, 2, 0], [2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]], \ [[0, 2, 1], [2, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]]] >>> >>> check_unconnected_spawn(mats, 1, 3) >>> mats [[[0, 2, 1], [2, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]]] """ empty_block = [0 for _ in range(length_mat - max_filled_vertex - 1)] for ind_mat in xrange(len(matrices)-1, -1, -1): mat = matrices[ind_mat] is_disconnected = True empty_lines = [index for index, line in enumerate(mat[0:max_filled_vertex + 1]) if line[max_filled_vertex + 1:length_mat] == empty_block] test_block = [0 for _ in range(length_mat - len(empty_lines))] for index in empty_lines: test_line = copy.deepcopy(mat[index]) for index2 in empty_lines: test_line.remove(mat[index][index2]) if test_line != test_block: is_disconnected = False break if is_disconnected and empty_lines != []: for index, line in enumerate(mat[0:max_filled_vertex + 1]): if index not in empty_lines: for _ in (idx for idx in empty_lines if line[idx] != 0): is_disconnected = False break if is_disconnected: del matrices[ind_mat]
[docs]def write_header(tex_file, commands, diags_nbs): """Write overall header for BMBPT result file. Args: tex_file (file): The ouput LaTeX file of the program. commands (Namespace): Flags for the program run. diags_nbs (dict): The number of diagrams per type. """ tex_file.write( "Valid diagrams: %i\n\n" % diags_nbs['nb_diags'] + "2N valid diagrams: %i\n\n" % diags_nbs['nb_2'] + "2N canonical diagrams for the energy: %i\n\n" % diags_nbs['nb_2_hf'] + "2N canonical diagrams for a generic operator only: %i\n\n" % diags_nbs['nb_2_ehf'] ) if not commands.canonical: tex_file.write( "2N non-canonical diagrams: %i\n\n" % diags_nbs['nb_2_not_hf'] ) if commands.with_3NF: tex_file.write( "3N valid diagrams: %i\n\n" % diags_nbs['nb_3_hf'] + "3N canonical diagrams for the energy: %i\n\n" % diags_nbs['nb_3_hf'] + "3N canonical diagrams for a generic operator only: %i\n\n" % diags_nbs['nb_3_ehf'] ) if not commands.canonical: tex_file.write( "3N non-canonical diagrams: %i\n\n" % diags_nbs['nb_3_not_hf'] )
[docs]def produce_expressions(diagrams, diagrams_time): """Produce and store the expressions associated to the BMBPT diagrams. Args: diagrams (list): The list of all BmbptFeynmanDiagrams. diagrams_time (list): Their associates TSDs. """ for diag in diagrams: diag.attribute_qp_labels() for t_diag in diagrams_time: if diag.tags[0] in t_diag.tags[1:]: diag.time_tag = t_diag.tags[0] diag.tsd_is_tree = t_diag.is_tree break diag.attribute_expressions(diagrams_time[diag.time_tag])
[docs]def order_diagrams(diagrams): """Order the BMBPT diagrams and return number of diags for each type. Args: diagrams (list): Possibly redundant BmbptFeynmanDiagrams. Returns: (tuple): First element is the list of topologically unique, ordered diagrams. Second element is a dict with the number of diagrams for each major type. """ diagrams_2_hf = [] diagrams_2_ehf = [] diagrams_2_not_hf = [] diagrams_3_hf = [] diagrams_3_ehf = [] diagrams_3_not_hf = [] for i_diag in xrange(len(diagrams)-1, -1, -1): if diagrams[i_diag].two_or_three_body == 2: if diagrams[i_diag].hf_type == "HF": diagrams_2_hf.append(diagrams[i_diag]) elif diagrams[i_diag].hf_type == "EHF": diagrams_2_ehf.append(diagrams[i_diag]) elif diagrams[i_diag].hf_type == "noHF": diagrams_2_not_hf.append(diagrams[i_diag]) elif diagrams[i_diag].two_or_three_body == 3: if diagrams[i_diag].hf_type == "HF": diagrams_3_hf.append(diagrams[i_diag]) elif diagrams[i_diag].hf_type == "EHF": diagrams_3_ehf.append(diagrams[i_diag]) elif diagrams[i_diag].hf_type == "noHF": diagrams_3_not_hf.append(diagrams[i_diag]) del diagrams[i_diag] adg.diag.topologically_distinct_diagrams(diagrams_2_hf) adg.diag.topologically_distinct_diagrams(diagrams_2_ehf) adg.diag.topologically_distinct_diagrams(diagrams_2_not_hf) adg.diag.topologically_distinct_diagrams(diagrams_3_hf) adg.diag.topologically_distinct_diagrams(diagrams_3_ehf) adg.diag.topologically_distinct_diagrams(diagrams_3_not_hf) diagrams = diagrams_2_hf + diagrams_2_ehf + diagrams_2_not_hf \ + diagrams_3_hf + diagrams_3_ehf + diagrams_3_not_hf for ind, diagram in enumerate(diagrams): diagram.tags[0] = ind diags_nb_per_type = { 'nb_2_hf': len(diagrams_2_hf), 'nb_2_ehf': len(diagrams_2_ehf), 'nb_2_not_hf': len(diagrams_2_not_hf), 'nb_3_hf': len(diagrams_3_hf), 'nb_3_ehf': len(diagrams_3_ehf), 'nb_3_not_hf': len(diagrams_3_not_hf), 'nb_diags': len(diagrams), 'nb_2': (len(diagrams_2_hf) + len(diagrams_2_ehf) + len(diagrams_2_not_hf)), 'nb_3': (len(diagrams_3_hf) + len(diagrams_3_ehf) + len(diagrams_3_not_hf)) } return diagrams, diags_nb_per_type
[docs]class BmbptFeynmanDiagram(adg.diag.Diagram): """Describes a BMBPT Feynman diagram with its related properties. Attributes: two_or_three_body (int): The 2 or 3-body characted of the vertices. time_tag (int): The tag number associated to the diagram's associated TSD. tsd_is_tree (bool): The tree or non-tree character of the associated TSD. feynman_exp (str): The Feynman expression associated to the diagram. diag_exp (str): The Goldstone expression associated to the diagram. vert_exp (list): The expression associated to the vertices. hf_type (str): The Hartree-Fock, non-Hartree-Fock or Hartree-Fock for the energy operator only character of the graph. """ def __init__(self, nx_graph, tag_num): """Generate a BMBPT diagrams using a NetworkX graph. Args: nx_graph (NetworkX MultiDiGraph): The graph of interest. tag_num (int): The tag number associated to the diagram. """ adg.diag.Diagram.__init__(self, nx_graph) self.two_or_three_body = 3 if self.max_degree == 6 else 2 self.tags = [tag_num] self.time_tag = -1 self.tsd_is_tree = False self.feynman_exp = "" self.diag_exp = "" self.vert_exp = [] if 2 not in self.degrees: self.hf_type = "HF" elif 2 not in self.unsort_degrees[1:]: self.hf_type = "EHF" else: self.hf_type = "noHF"
[docs] def attribute_expressions(self, time_diag): """Attribute the correct Feynman and Goldstone expressions. Args: time_diag (TimeStructureDiagram): The associated TSD. """ self.vert_exp = [self.vertex_expression(vertex) for vertex in self.graph] numerator = self.extract_numerator() denominator = self.time_tree_denominator( nx.relabel_nodes(time_diag.graph, time_diag.perms[self.tags[0]]) ) if self.tsd_is_tree else "" extra_factor = "" if self.tsd_is_tree \ else "\\left[" \ + " + ".join("\\frac{1}{%s}" % self.time_tree_denominator( nx.relabel_nodes(equi_t_graph, time_diag.perms[self.tags[0]])) for equi_t_graph in time_diag.equivalent_trees) \ + " \\right]" # Determine the pre-factor prefactor = "(-1)^%i " % (len(self.graph) - 1) if self.has_crossing_sign(): prefactor = "-%s" % prefactor sym_fact = "" for vertex_degrees in self.unsort_io_degrees: if self.unsort_io_degrees.count(vertex_degrees) >= 2: sym_fact += self.vertex_exchange_sym_factor() break sym_fact += self.multiplicity_symmetry_factor() prefactor = "\\frac{%s}{%s}\\sum_{k_i}" % (prefactor, sym_fact) \ if sym_fact != "" else "%s\\sum_{k_i}" % prefactor # Set the Feynman and Goldstone expressions self.feynman_exp = \ "\\lim\\limits_{\\tau \\to \\infty}%s%s\\int_{0}^{\\tau}%s\n" \ % (prefactor, numerator, self.extract_integral()) self.diag_exp = \ "%s\\frac{%s}{%s} %s\n" % (prefactor, numerator, denominator, extra_factor) \ if denominator != "" \ else "%s%s%s\n" % (prefactor, numerator, extra_factor)
[docs] def vertex_expression(self, vertex): """Return the expression associated to a given vertex. Args: vertex (int): The vertex of interest in the graph. """ expression = r"\epsilon^{" \ + "".join("%s" % prop[3]['qp_state'] for prop in self.graph.out_edges(vertex, keys=True, data=True)) \ + "}_{" \ + "".join("%s" % prop[3]['qp_state'] for prop in self.graph.in_edges(vertex, keys=True, data=True)) \ + "}" return expression
[docs] def write_graph(self, latex_file, directory, write_time): """Write the BMBPT graph and its associated TSD to the LaTeX file. Args: latex_file (file): The LaTeX output file of the program. directory (str): The path to the result folder. write_time (bool): ``True`` if we want informations on the associated TSDs. """ latex_file.write('\n\\begin{center}\n') adg.diag.draw_diagram(directory, latex_file, self.tags[0], 'diag') if write_time: latex_file.write( '\\hspace{10pt} $\\rightarrow$ \\hspace{10pt} T%i:' % (self.time_tag + 1)) adg.diag.draw_diagram(directory, latex_file, self.time_tag, 'time') latex_file.write('\n\\end{center}\n\n')
[docs] def write_tsd_info(self, diagrams_time, latex_file): """Write info related to the BMBPT associated TSD to the LaTeX file. Args: diagrams_time (list): The associated TSDs. latex_file (file): The LaTeX output file of the program. """ for tdiag in diagrams_time: if self.time_tag == tdiag.tags[0]: time_diag = tdiag break latex_file.write( "\\begin{equation}\n\\text{T}%i = " % (self.time_tag + 1) + "%s\\end{equation}\n" % time_diag.expr) self.write_vertices_values(latex_file, time_diag.perms[self.tags[0]])
[docs] def write_section(self, result, commands, diags_nbs): """Write section and subsections for BMBPT result file. Args: result (file): The LaTeX output file of the program. commands (dict): The flags associated with run management. diags_nbs (dict): The number of diagrams per type. """ if self.tags[0] == 0: result.write( "\\section{Two-body diagrams}\n\n" + "\\subsection{Two-body energy canonical diagrams}\n\n") elif self.tags[0] == diags_nbs['nb_2_hf']: result.write("\\subsection{Two-body canonical diagrams " + "for a generic operator only}\n\n") elif self.tags[0] == diags_nbs['nb_2_hf'] + diags_nbs['nb_2_ehf']: result.write("\\subsection{Two-body non-canonical diagrams}\n\n") if commands.with_3NF: if self.tags[0] == diags_nbs['nb_2']: result.write( "\\section{Three-body diagrams}\n\n" + "\\subsection{Three-body energy canonical diagrams}\n\n") elif self.tags[0] == diags_nbs['nb_2'] + diags_nbs['nb_3_hf']: result.write("\\subsection{Three-body canonical diagrams " + "for a generic operator only}\n\n") elif self.tags[0] == diags_nbs['nb_2'] + diags_nbs['nb_3_hf'] \ + diags_nbs['nb_3_ehf']: result.write( "\\subsection{Three-body non-canonical diagrams}\n\n") result.write("\\paragraph{Diagram %i:}\n" % (self.tags[0] + 1)) self.write_diag_exps(result, commands.order)
[docs] def write_vertices_values(self, latex_file, mapping): """Write the qp energies associated to each vertex of the diag. Args: latex_file (file): The LaTeX output file of the program. mapping (dict): A mapping between the vertices in the diagram and the vertices in its euivalent TSD, since permutations between vertices are possible. """ latex_file.write("\\begin{align*}\n") for ind in range(1, len(self.vert_exp)): latex_file.write("a_%i &= %s" % (ind, self.vert_exp[mapping[ind]])) if ind != len(self.vert_exp)-1: latex_file.write(r"\\") latex_file.write('\n') latex_file.write("\\end{align*}\n")
[docs] def write_diag_exps(self, latex_file, norder): """Write the expressions associated to a diagram in the LaTeX file. Args: latex_file (file): The LaTeX outputfile of the program. norder (int): The order in BMBPT formalism. """ latex_file.write( "\\begin{align}\n\\text{PO}%i.%i\n" % (norder, (self.tags[0] + 1)) + "&= %s" % self.feynman_exp + r" \nonumber \\" + "\n" + "&= %s\\end{align}\n" % self.diag_exp)
[docs] def vertex_exchange_sym_factor(self): """Return the symmetry factor associated with vertex exchange. Returns: (str): The symmetry factor for vertex exchange. """ # Starts at 0 as the identity belongs to the set of permutations factor = 0 graph = self.graph perm_vertices = [vertex for vertex, degrees in enumerate(self.unsort_io_degrees) if graph.node[vertex]['operator'] is False and self.unsort_io_degrees.count(degrees) >= 2] for permutation in itertools.permutations(perm_vertices): permuted_graph = nx.relabel_nodes(graph, dict(zip(perm_vertices, permutation)), copy=True) if nx.is_isomorphic(graph, nx.intersection(graph, permuted_graph)): factor += 1 return "%i" % factor if factor > 1 else ""
[docs] def extract_integral(self): """Return the integral part of the Feynman expression of the diag. Returns: (str): The integral part of its Feynman expression. """ pert_vertex_indices = range(1, len(self.graph)) integral = "".join("\\mathrm{d}\\tau_%i" % vertex for vertex in pert_vertex_indices) if len(pert_vertex_indices) > 1: for vertex_i in pert_vertex_indices: integral += "".join("\\theta(\\tau_%i-\\tau_%i) " % (vertex_j, vertex_i) for vertex_j in pert_vertex_indices if self.graph.has_edge(vertex_i, vertex_j)) integral += "".join("e^{-\\tau_%i %s}" % (vertex, self.vert_exp[vertex]) for vertex in pert_vertex_indices) return integral
[docs] def attribute_qp_labels(self): """Attribute the appropriate qp labels to the graph's propagators.""" for idx, prop in enumerate(self.graph.edges(keys=True, data=True)): prop[3]['qp_state'] = "k_{%i}" % (idx+1)
[docs] def extract_numerator(self): """Return the numerator associated to a BMBPT graph. Returns: (str): The numerator of the graph. """ graph = self.graph numerator = "" for vertex in graph: # Attribute the correct operator to each vertex numerator += "O" if graph.node[vertex]['operator'] else "\\Omega" # Attribute the good "type number" to each vertex numerator += "^{%i%i}_{" % (self.unsort_io_degrees[vertex][1], self.unsort_io_degrees[vertex][0]) # First add the qp states corresponding to propagators going out numerator += "".join(prop[3]['qp_state'] for prop in graph.out_edges(vertex, keys=True, data=True)) # Add the qp states corresponding to propagators coming in previous_vertex = vertex - 1 while previous_vertex >= 0: numerator += "".join( prop[3]['qp_state'] for prop in graph.in_edges(vertex, keys=True, data=True) if prop[0] == previous_vertex) previous_vertex -= 1 numerator += "} " return numerator
[docs] def has_crossing_sign(self): """Return True for a minus sign associated with crossing propagators. Use the fact that all lines propagate upwards and the canonical representation of the diagrams and vertices. Returns: (bool): Encode for the sign factor associated with crossing propagators. """ nb_crossings = 0 for vertex in self.graph: for propagator in self.graph.out_edges(vertex, keys=True): for vertex_ante in xrange(propagator[0]): for vertex_post in xrange(propagator[0]+1, propagator[1]): nb_crossings += self.graph.number_of_edges(vertex_ante, vertex_post) return nb_crossings % 2 == 1
[docs] def multiplicity_symmetry_factor(self): """Return the symmetry factor associated with propagators multiplicity. Returns: (str): The symmetry factor associated with equivalent lines. """ factor = "" # Account for up to three-body operators prop_multiplicity = [0 for _ in xrange(6)] for vertex_i in self.graph: for vertex_j in self.graph: if self.graph.number_of_edges(vertex_i, vertex_j) >= 2: prop_multiplicity[self.graph.number_of_edges( vertex_i, vertex_j) - 1] += 1 for prop_id, multiplicity in enumerate(prop_multiplicity): if multiplicity == 1: factor += "(%i!)" % (prop_id+1) elif multiplicity >= 2: factor += "(%i!)" % (prop_id+1) + "^%i" % multiplicity return factor
[docs] def time_tree_denominator(self, time_graph): """Return the denominator for a time-tree graph. Args: time_graph (NetworkX MultiDiGraph): Its associated time-structure graph. Returns: (str): The denominator of the graph. """ denominator = "" for vertex_i in range(1, len(time_graph)): subgraph_stack = [vertex_j for vertex_j in nx.descendants(time_graph, vertex_i)] subgraph_stack.append(vertex_i) subdiag = self.graph.subgraph(subgraph_stack) denominator += "%s\\ " % adg.diag.extract_denom(self.graph, subdiag) return denominator