Source code for adg.diag

"""Routines and class for all types of diagrams, inherited by others."""

from builtins import range
from builtins import object, str
from import reversed_enumerate

import copy
import numpy
import networkx as nx

[docs]def no_trace(matrices): """Select matrices with full 0 diagonal. Args: matrices (list): A list of adjacency matrices. Returns: (list): The adjacency matrices without non-zero diagonal elements. >>> test_matrices = [[[0, 1, 2], [2, 0, 1], [5, 2, 0]], \ [[2, 2, 2], [1, 2, 3], [0, 0, 0]], \ [[0, 1, 3], [2, 0, 8], [2, 1, 0]]] >>> no_trace(test_matrices) [[[0, 1, 2], [2, 0, 1], [5, 2, 0]], [[0, 1, 3], [2, 0, 8], [2, 1, 0]]] """ traceless_matrices = [] for matrix in matrices: for ind_i, line in enumerate(matrix): if line[ind_i] != 0: break else: traceless_matrices.append(matrix) return traceless_matrices
[docs]def check_vertex_degree(matrices, three_body_use, nbody_max_observable, canonical_only, vertex_id): """Check the degree of a specific vertex in a set of matrices. Args: matrices (list): Adjacency matrices. three_body_use (bool): ``True`` if one uses three-body forces. nbody_max_observable (int): Maximum body number for the observable. canonical_only (bool): ``True`` if one draws only canonical diagrams. vertex_id (int): The position of the studied vertex. >>> test_matrices = [numpy.array([[0, 1, 2], [1, 0, 1], [0, 2, 0]]), \ numpy.array([[2, 0, 2], [1, 2, 3], [1, 0, 0]]), \ numpy.array([[0, 1, 3], [2, 0, 8], [2, 1, 0]])] >>> check_vertex_degree(test_matrices, True, 3, False, 0) >>> test_matrices #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [array([[0, 1, 2], [1, 0, 1], [0, 2, 0]]), array([[2, 0, 2], [1, 2, 3], [1, 0, 0]])] >>> check_vertex_degree(test_matrices, False, 2, False, 0) >>> test_matrices #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [array([[0, 1, 2], [1, 0, 1], [0, 2, 0]])] """ authorized_deg = [4] if three_body_use: authorized_deg.append(6) if not canonical_only or vertex_id == 0: authorized_deg.append(2) authorized_deg = tuple(authorized_deg) for i_mat, matrix in reversed_enumerate(matrices): vertex_degree = sum(matrix[index][vertex_id] + matrix[vertex_id][index] for index in list(range(matrix.shape[0]))) vertex_degree -= matrix[vertex_id][vertex_id] if (vertex_id != 0 and vertex_degree not in authorized_deg) \ or (vertex_id == 0 and vertex_degree > 2*nbody_max_observable): del matrices[i_mat]
[docs]def topologically_distinct_diagrams(diagrams): """Return a list of diagrams all topologically distinct. Args: diagrams (list): The Diagrams of interest. Returns: (list): Topologically unique diagrams. """ import adg.tsd iso = nx.algorithms.isomorphism op_nm = iso.categorical_node_match('operator', False) anom_em = iso.categorical_multiedge_match('anomalous', False) for i_diag, diag in reversed_enumerate(diagrams): graph = diag.graph diag_io_degrees = diag.io_degrees for i_comp_diag, comp_diag in reversed_enumerate(diagrams[:i_diag]): if diag_io_degrees == comp_diag.io_degrees: # Check anomalous character of props for PBMBPT if isinstance(diag, adg.pbmbpt.ProjectedBmbptDiagram): doubled_graph = create_checkable_diagram(graph) doubled_comp_diag = create_checkable_diagram(comp_diag.graph) matcher = iso.DiGraphMatcher(doubled_graph, doubled_comp_diag, node_match=op_nm, edge_match=anom_em) # Check for topologically equivalent diags considering vertex # properties but not edge attributes, i.e. anomalous character else: matcher = iso.DiGraphMatcher(graph, comp_diag.graph, node_match=op_nm) if matcher.is_isomorphic(): # Store the set of permutations to recover the original TSD if isinstance(diag, adg.tsd.TimeStructureDiagram): diag.perms.update( update_permutations(comp_diag.perms, comp_diag.tags[0], matcher.mapping) ) diag.tags += comp_diag.tags del diagrams[i_comp_diag] break return diagrams
[docs]def update_permutations(comp_graph_perms, comp_graph_tag, mapping): """Update permutations associated to the BMBPT diags for a shared TSD. Args: comp_graph_perms (dict): Permutations to be updated. comp_graph_tag (int): The tag associated to the TSD configuration. mapping (dict): permutations to go from previous ref TSD to new one. """ identity = {key: key for key in comp_graph_perms[comp_graph_tag]} # Do permutations only when necessary if mapping != identity: for graph_id in comp_graph_perms: # Create a dummy dictionary to avoid overwriting some nodes dummy_nodes = copy.deepcopy(comp_graph_perms[graph_id]) # Permute the nodes according to the new mapping for node in comp_graph_perms[graph_id]: comp_graph_perms[graph_id][node] = dummy_nodes[mapping[node]] return comp_graph_perms
[docs]def create_checkable_diagram(pbmbpt_graph): """Return a graph with anomalous props going both ways for topo check. Args: pbmbpt_graph (NetworkX MultiDiGraph): The graph to be copied. Returns: (NetworkX MultiDiGraph): Graph with double the anomalous props. """ doubled_graph = copy.deepcopy(pbmbpt_graph) props_to_add = [(prop[1], prop[0]) for prop in doubled_graph.edges(keys=True, data='anomalous') if prop[3] and not prop[0] == prop[1]] doubled_graph.add_edges_from(props_to_add, anomalous=True, weight=1) return doubled_graph
[docs]def label_vertices(graphs_list, theory_type, switch_flag): """Account for different status of vertices in operator diagrams. Args: graphs_list (list): The Diagrams of interest. theory_type (str): The name of the theory of interest. switch_flag (int): When to switch A and B operators for BIMSRG. """ if theory_type != 'BIMSRG': for graph in graphs_list: nx.set_node_attributes(graph, False, 'operator') if theory_type in ("BMBPT", "PBMBPT"): graph.nodes[0]['operator'] = True else: for idx, graph in enumerate(graphs_list): nx.set_node_attributes(graph, '', 'operator') if idx < switch_flag: graph.nodes[1]['operator'] = 'B' graph.nodes[2]['operator'] = 'A' else: graph.nodes[1]['operator'] = 'A' graph.nodes[2]['operator'] = 'B'
[docs]def feynmf_generator(graph, theory_type, diagram_name): """Generate the feynmanmp instructions corresponding to the diagram. Args: graph (NetworkX MultiDiGraph): The graph of interest. theory_type (str): The name of the theory of interest. diagram_name (str): The name of the studied diagram. """ p_order = graph.number_of_nodes() diag_size = 20*p_order theories = ["MBPT", "BMBPT", "PBMBPT", "BIMSRG"] prop_types = ["half_prop", "prop_pm", "prop_pm", "half_prop"] propa = prop_types[theories.index(theory_type)] fmf_file = open(diagram_name + ".tex", 'w') fmf_file.write("\\parbox{40pt}{\\begin{fmffile}{%s}\n" % diagram_name + "\\begin{fmfgraph*}(40,%i)\n" % diag_size) # Define the appropriate line propagator_style fmf_file.write(propagator_style(propa)) if theory_type == "PBMBPT": fmf_file.write(propagator_style("prop_mm")) # Set the position of the vertices if theory_type == "BIMSRG": bimsrg_diagram_internals(graph, fmf_file, propa) else: fmf_file.write(vertex_positions(graph, p_order)) # Special config for self-contraction if theory_type == "PBMBPT": fmf_file.write(self_contractions(graph)) # Loop over all elements of the graph to draw associated propagators for vert_i in graph: for vert_j in list(graph.nodes())[vert_i+1:]: props_to_draw = [edge for edge in graph.edges([vert_i, vert_j], data=True, keys=True) if edge[1] in (vert_i, vert_j) and edge[0] != edge[1]] # Set the list of propagators directions to use props_dir = prop_directions(vert_j - vert_i, len(props_to_draw)) # Draw the diagrams key = 0 # Start with props going down, used in MBPT only for _ in (p for p in props_to_draw if p[1] < p[0] and not ('anomalous' in p[3] and p[3]['anomalous'])): fmf_file.write("\\fmf{%s%s}{v%i,v%i}\n" % (propa, props_dir[key], vert_j, vert_i)) key += 1 # Reinitialise the drawing configuration as we change direction key = 0 for _ in (p for p in props_to_draw if ('anomalous' in p[3] and p[3]['anomalous'])): fmf_file.write("\\fmf{prop_mm%s}{v%i,v%i}\n" % (props_dir[key], vert_i, vert_j)) key += 1 for _ in (p for p in props_to_draw if p[0] < p[1] and not ('anomalous' in p[3] and p[3]['anomalous'])): fmf_file.write("\\fmf{%s%s}{v%i,v%i}\n" % (propa, props_dir[key], vert_i, vert_j)) key += 1 fmf_file.write("\\end{fmfgraph*}\n\\end{fmffile}}\n") fmf_file.close()
[docs]def prop_directions(vert_distance, nb_props): """Return a list of possible propagators directions. Args: vert_distance (int): Distance between the two connected vertices. nb_props (int): Number of propagators to be drawn. Returns: (list): Propagators directions stored as strings. """ if nb_props < 7: directions = [",right=0.9", ",right=0.75", ",right=0.6", ",right=0.5", "", ",left=0.5", ",left=0.6", ",left=0.75", ",left=0.9"] if vert_distance != 1: props_dir = directions[:3] + directions[-3:] else: props_dir = directions[:2] + directions[3:6] + directions[-2:] if nb_props % 2 != 1: props_dir = props_dir[:3] + props_dir[-3:] else: props_dir = props_dir[1:] if nb_props < 5: props_dir = props_dir[1:-1] if nb_props < 3: props_dir = props_dir[1:-1] elif vert_distance == 1: directions = [",right=0.%i" % angle for angle in range(90, 0, -10)] \ + [",left=0.%i" % angle for angle in range(10, 100, 10)] props_dir = directions[nb_props//4:-(nb_props//4)] return props_dir
[docs]def propagator_style(prop_type): """Return the FeynMF definition for the appropriate propagator type. Args: prop_type (str): The type of propagators used in the diagram. Returns: (str): The FeynMF definition for the propagator style used. """ line_styles = {} line_styles['prop_pm'] = "\\fmfcmd{style_def prop_pm expr p =\n" \ + "draw_plain p;\nshrink(.7);\n" \ + "\tcfill (marrow (p, .25));\n" \ + "\tcfill (marrow (p, .75))\n" \ + "endshrink;\nenddef;}\n" line_styles['prop_mm'] = "\\fmfcmd{style_def prop_mm expr p =\n" \ + "draw_plain p;\nshrink(.7);\n" \ + "\tcfill (marrow (p, .75));\n" \ + "\tcfill (marrow (reverse p, .75))\n" \ + "endshrink;\nenddef;}\n" line_styles['half_prop'] = "\\fmfcmd{style_def half_prop expr p =\n" \ + "draw_plain p;\nshrink(.7);\n" \ + "\tcfill (marrow (p, .5))\n" \ + "endshrink;\nenddef;}\n" return line_styles[prop_type]
[docs]def vertex_positions(graph, order): """Return the positions of the graph's vertices. Args: graph (NetworkX MultiDiGraph): The graph of interest. order (int): The perturbative order of the graph. Returns: (str): The FeynMP instructions for positioning the vertices. """ positions = "\\fmftop{v%i}\\fmfbottom{v0}\n" % (order-1) for vert in range(order-1): positions += "\\fmf{phantom}{v%i,v%i}\n" % (vert, (vert+1)) \ + ("\\fmfv{d.shape=square,d.filled=full,d.size=3thick" if 'operator' in graph.nodes[vert] and graph.nodes[vert]['operator'] else "\\fmfv{d.shape=circle,d.filled=full,d.size=3thick") \ + "}{v%i}\n" % vert positions += "\\fmfv{d.shape=circle,d.filled=full,d.size=3thick}{v%i}\n" \ % (order-1) + "\\fmffreeze\n" return positions
[docs]def self_contractions(graph): """Return the instructions for drawing the graph's self-contractions. Args: graph (NetworkX MultiDiGraph): The graph being drawn. Returns: (str): FeynMF instructions for drawing the self-contractions. """ instructions = "" # Check for self-contractions before going further if [nx.selfloop_edges(graph)]: instructions += propagator_style("half_prop") for vert in graph: props_to_draw = [edge for edge in nx.selfloop_edges(graph, data=True, keys=True) if edge[0] == vert] positions = ["15pt", "-15pt"] key = 0 for prop in props_to_draw: if prop[3]['anomalous']: a_name = "a%i%i" % (vert, key) instructions += ("\\fmfv{}{%s}\n" % a_name + "\\fmffixed{(%s,0)}{v%i,%s}\n" % (positions[key], vert, a_name) + "\\fmf{half_prop,right}{%s,v%i}\n" % (a_name, vert) + "\\fmf{half_prop,left}{%s,v%i}\n" % (a_name, vert)) key += 1 instructions += "\\fmffreeze\n" return instructions
[docs]def bimsrg_diagram_internals(graph, fmf_file, prop_type): """Write to file the vertices and propagators of BIMSRG diagrams. Args: graph (NetworkX MultiDiGraph): The graph to be drawn. fmf_file (file): The FeymanMF file to be written to. prop_type (str): The FeymanMF type for drawing the propagators. """ nbs_out_edges = (sum(1 for p in graph.in_edges(3, keys=True) if p[0] == 1), sum(1 for p in graph.in_edges(3, keys=True) if p[0] == 2)) nbs_in_edges = (sum(1 for p in graph.out_edges(0, keys=True) if p[1] == 1), sum(1 for p in graph.out_edges(0, keys=True) if p[1] == 2)) nb_out_edges = len(graph.in_edges(3, keys=True)) nb_in_edges = len(graph.out_edges(0, keys=True)) nb_top_vertices = nb_out_edges if nb_out_edges == 1 \ else (max(2*nbs_out_edges[0], 2*nbs_out_edges[1]) + 1) nb_bot_vertices = nb_in_edges if nb_in_edges == 1 \ else (max(2*nbs_in_edges[0], 2*nbs_in_edges[1]) + 1) positions = "\\fmfstraight\n" \ + "\\fmftopn{t}{%i}" % nb_top_vertices \ + "\\fmfbottomn{b}{%i}\n" % nb_bot_vertices \ + "\\fmf{phantom}{b%i,v1}\n" % (nb_bot_vertices//2 + 1) \ + "\\fmf{phantom}{v1,v2}\n" \ + "\\fmf{phantom}{v2,t%i}\n" % (nb_top_vertices//2 + 1) \ + "\\fmfv{d.shape=circle,d.filled=%s,d.size=3thick}{v1}\n" \ % ('full' if graph.nodes[1]['operator'] == 'A' else 'empty') \ + "\\fmfv{d.shape=circle,d.filled=%s,d.size=3thick}{v2}\n" \ % ('full' if graph.nodes[2]['operator'] == 'A' else 'empty') \ + "\\fmffreeze\n" fmf_file.write(positions) # Internal lines nb_props = sum(1 for edge in graph.edges(1, keys=True) if edge[1] == 2) # Set the list of propagators directions to use props_dir = prop_directions(1, nb_props) # Draw the propagators for idx in range(nb_props): fmf_file.write("\\fmf{%s%s}{v1,v2}\n" % (prop_type, props_dir[idx])) # Incoming external line for vertex in (1, 2): nb_props = sum(1 for edge in graph.edges(0, keys=True) if edge[1] == vertex) if (nb_bot_vertices == 1) and (vertex == 1): orientation = "" else: orientation = ",left=0.4" if vertex == 2 else ",right=0.3" # Draw the propagators for key in range(nb_props): fmf_file.write("\\fmf{%s%s}{b%i,v%i}\n" % (prop_type, orientation, key+1 if vertex == 2 else nb_bot_vertices - key, vertex)) # Outgoing external lines for vertex in (1, 2): nb_props = sum(1 for edge in graph.in_edges(3, keys=True) if edge[0] == vertex) if (nb_top_vertices == 1) and (vertex == 2): orientation = "" else: orientation = ",right=0.4" if vertex == 1 else ",left=0.3" # Draw the propagators for key in range(nb_props): fmf_file.write("\\fmf{%s%s}{v%i,t%i}\n" % (prop_type, orientation, vertex, key+1 if vertex == 2 else nb_top_vertices - key))
[docs]def draw_diagram(directory, result_file, diagram_index, diag_type): """Copy the diagram feynmanmp instructions in the result file. Args: directory (str): The path to the output folder. result_file (file): The LaTeX ouput file of the program. diagram_index (str): The number associated to the diagram. diag_type (str): The type of diagram used here. """ with open(directory+"/Diagrams/%s_%s.tex" % (diag_type, diagram_index)) as diag_file: result_file.write(
[docs]def to_skeleton(graph): """Return the bare skeleton of a graph, i.e. only non-redundant links. Args: graph (NetworkX MultiDiGraph): The graph to be turned into a skeleton. Returns: (NetworkX MultiDiGraph): The skeleton of the initial graph. """ for vertex_a in graph: for vertex_b in graph: while graph.number_of_edges(vertex_a, vertex_b) > 1: graph.remove_edge(vertex_a, vertex_b) if len(list(nx.all_simple_paths(graph, vertex_a, vertex_b))) > 1: while len(nx.shortest_path(graph, vertex_a, vertex_b)) == 2: graph.remove_edge(vertex_a, vertex_b) return graph
[docs]def extract_denom(start_graph, subgraph): """Extract the appropriate denominator using the subgraph rule. Args: start_graph (NetworkX MultiDiGraph): The studied graph. subgraph (NetworkX MultiDiGraph): The subgraph used for this particular denominator factor. Returns: (str): The denominator factor for this subgraph. """ denomin = r"\epsilon^{" \ + "".join("%s" % prop[3]['qp_state'] for prop in start_graph.out_edges(subgraph, keys=True, data=True) if not subgraph.has_edge(prop[0], prop[1], prop[2]) and not ('anomalous' in prop[3] and prop[3]['anomalous'])) \ + "}_{" \ + "".join("%s" % prop[3]['qp_state'] for prop in start_graph.in_edges(subgraph, keys=True, data=True) if not subgraph.has_edge(prop[0], prop[1], prop[2]) and not ('anomalous' in prop[3] and prop[3]['anomalous'])) \ + "".join("%s" % prop[3]['qp_state'] for prop in start_graph.in_edges(subgraph, keys=True, data=True) if subgraph.has_edge(prop[0], prop[1], prop[2]) and ('anomalous' in prop[3] and prop[3]['anomalous'])) \ + "".join("%s" % (prop[3]['qp_state'].split("}")[0] + "}") for prop in start_graph.in_edges(subgraph, keys=True, data=True) if not subgraph.has_edge(prop[0], prop[1], prop[2]) and ('anomalous' in prop[3] and prop[3]['anomalous'])) \ + "".join("%s" % (prop[3]['qp_state'].split("}")[1] + "}") for prop in start_graph.out_edges(subgraph, keys=True, data=True) if not subgraph.has_edge(prop[0], prop[1], prop[2]) and ('anomalous' in prop[3] and prop[3]['anomalous'])) \ + "}" return denomin
[docs]class Diagram(object): """Describes a diagram with its related properties. Attributes: graph (NetworkX MultiDiGraph): The actual graph. unsorted_degrees (tuple): The degrees of the graph vertices degrees (tuple): The ascendingly sorted degrees of the graph vertices. unsort_io_degrees (tuple): The list of in- and out-degrees for each vertex of the graph, stored in a (in, out) tuple. io_degrees (tuple): The sorted version of unsort_io_degrees. max_degree (int): The maximal degree of a vertex in the graph. tags (list): The tag numbers associated to a diagram. """ __slots__ = ('graph', 'unsort_degrees', 'degrees', 'unsort_io_degrees', 'io_degrees', 'max_degree', 'tags') def __init__(self, nx_graph): """Generate a Diagram object starting from the NetworkX graph. Args: nx_graph (NetworkX MultiDiGraph): The graph of interest. """ self.graph = nx_graph self.unsort_degrees = tuple( for node in nx_graph) self.degrees = tuple(sorted(self.unsort_degrees)) self.unsort_io_degrees = tuple((nx_graph.in_degree(node), nx_graph.out_degree(node)) for node in nx_graph) self.io_degrees = tuple(sorted(self.unsort_io_degrees)) self.max_degree = self.degrees[-1] self.tags = [0]
[docs] def write_graph(self, latex_file, directory, write_time): """Write the graph of the diagram to the LaTeX file. Args: latex_file (file): The LaTeX ouput file of the program. directory (str): Path to the result folder. write_time (bool): (Here to emulate polymorphism). """ latex_file.write('\n\\begin{center}\n') draw_diagram(directory, latex_file, str(self.tags[0]), 'diag') latex_file.write('\n\\end{center}\n\n')