Source code for

"""Routines handling the run of ADG."""
from __future__ import print_function

from future import standard_library
from builtins import input
from builtins import range
from import reversed_enumerate
import os
import argparse
import shutil
import networkx as nx
import adg.mbpt
import adg.bmbpt
import adg.pbmbpt
import adg.diag

[docs]def parse_command_line(cli_args): """Return run commands from the Command Line Interface. Args: cli_args: Command-line arguments submitted with the program. Returns: (Namespace): Appropriate commands to manage the program's run. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description="AUTOMATIC DIAGRAM GENERATOR v%s\n\n" % adg.__version__ + "Generates diagrams at a given order for a " + "range of many-body formalisms", epilog="If a theory is chosen in batch mode, all flags associated\n" + "to other theories will be deactivated to avoid conflicts.\n\n") basic_args = parser.add_argument_group( title="Basic arguments", description="For ADG to run, you need either to run it in\n" + "interactive mode or to provide a theory of interest and an order\n" + "at which to run the calculation.") run_args = parser.add_argument_group( title="Run arguments", description="Those arguments control the content of the ouput files.\n" ) mbpt_args = parser.add_argument_group( title="MBPT-specific arguments", description="Arguments available only for MBPT calculations.\n") bmbpt_args = parser.add_argument_group( title="BMBPT-specific arguments", description="Arguments available only for (P)BMBPT calculations.\n") basic_args.add_argument( "-o", "--order", type=int, nargs='+', choices=list(range(1, 10)), help="order of the diagrams (>=1) or N_A, N_B, N_C truncation for BIMSRG") basic_args.add_argument( "-t", "--theory", type=str, choices=['MBPT', 'BMBPT', 'PBMBPT', 'BIMSRG'], help="theory of interest: MBPT, BMBPT, PBMBPT, BIMSRG") basic_args.add_argument( "-i", "--interactive", action="store_true", help="execute ADG in interactive mode") bmbpt_args.add_argument( "-can", "--canonical", action="store_true", help="consider only canonical diagrams") bmbpt_args.add_argument( "-nobs", "--nbody_observable", type=int, choices=list(range(1, 4)), default=2, help="maximal n-body character of the observable [1-3], default = 2") bmbpt_args.add_argument( "-3NF", "--with_3NF", action="store_true", help="use two and three-body forces for (P)BMBPT diagrams") bmbpt_args.add_argument( "-dt", "--draw_tsds", action="store_true", help="draw Time-Structure Diagrams (BMBPT or PBMBPT)") run_args.add_argument( "-d", "--draw_diags", action="store_true", help="draw the diagrams using FeynMF") run_args.add_argument( "-c", "--compile", action="store_true", help="compile the LaTeX output file with PDFLaTeX") mbpt_args.add_argument( "-cd", "--cd_output", action="store_true", help="produce computer-readable output for automated framework (MBPT)") args = parser.parse_args(cli_args) if (not args.interactive) and ((args.order is None) or (args.theory is None)): print("\nPlease either run the interactive mode, or the batch mode by") print("providing the theory and the order for the desired diagrams.\n") print("Use 'adg -h' for help.\n") exit() # Avoid conflicting flags if args.theory not in ('BMBPT', 'PBMBPT') and not args.interactive: args.canonical = None args.with_3NF = None args.nbody_observable = 2 args.draw_tsds = None if args.theory != 'MBPT' and not args.interactive: args.cd_output = None if args.theory != 'BIMSRG' and len(args.order) > 1: print("Order of the diagrams has to be a single int. Exiting.") exit() if args.theory == 'BIMSRG': if len(args.order) == 1: print("Using the traditional IMSRG truncation: N_A = N_B = N_C.") dummy_order = args.order[0] args.order = (dummy_order, dummy_order, dummy_order) elif len(args.order) == 2: print("Truncate commutator and operators differently: N_A = N_B.") ope_order, comm_order = args.order[0], args.order[-1] args.order = (ope_order, ope_order, comm_order) elif len(args.order) == 3: print("Using the N_A, N_B, N_C truncation scheme.") a_order, b_order, comm_order = args.order[0], args.order[1], args.order[-1] args.order = (a_order, b_order, comm_order) else: print("Truncation order has to be three int at most. Exiting.") exit() else: dummy_order = args.order[0] args.order = dummy_order return args
[docs]def interactive_interface(commands): """Run the interactive interface mode, return the appropriate commands. Args: commands (Namespace): Flags for the run management. Returns: (Namespace): Flags initialized through keyboard input. """ theories = ["BMBPT", "MBPT", "PBMBPT", "BIMSRG"] commands.theory = input('MBPT, BMBPT, PBMBPT or BIMSRG?\n').upper() while commands.theory not in theories: print("Invalid theory!") commands.theory = input('MBPT, BMBPT, PBMBPT or BIMSRG?\n').upper() if commands.theory != 'BIMSRG': try: commands.order = int(input('Order of the diagrams? [1-9]\n')) except ValueError: print("Please enter an integer value! Program exiting.") exit() while commands.order < 1 or commands.order > 9: print("Perturbative order too small or too high!") commands.order = int(input('Order of the diagrams? [1-9]\n')) else: commands.order = [0, 0, 0] for position, operator in enumerate('A', 'B', 'C'): commands.order[position] = get_bimsrg_truncation_order(operator) commands.order = tuple(commands.order) if commands.theory in ("BMBPT", "PBMBPT"): commands.canonical = input( "Consider only canonical diagrams? (y/N)").lower() == 'y' commands.with_3NF = input( "Include three-body forces? (y/N)").lower() == 'y' try: commands.nbody_observable = int(input( "Maximal n-body character of the observable? [1-3]")) except ValueError: print("Please enter an integer value! Program exiting.") exit() while commands.nbody_observable < 1 or commands.nbody_observable > 3: print("The observable must be 1-body, 2-body or 3-body!") commands.nbody_observable = int(input( "Maximal n-body character of the observable? [1-3]")) commands.draw_tsds = input( "Draw time-structure diagrams? (y/N)").lower() == 'y' commands.draw_diags = input( "Generate diagrams FeynMF instructions in TeX file? (y/N) " ).lower() == 'y' if commands.theory == "MBPT": commands.cd_output = input( "Produce a CD output file? (y/N) ").lower() == 'y' commands.compile = input("Compile pdf? (y/N) ").lower() == 'y' return commands
[docs]def get_bimsrg_truncation_order(operator): """Return the truncation order of a given operator from the user input. Args: operator (str): The letter corresponding to the operator Returns: order (int): The truncation rank of the operator. """ try: order = int(input('Order of the %s operator? [1-9]\n' % operator)) except ValueError: print("Please enter an integer value! Program exiting.") exit() while order < 1 or order > 9: print("Order too small or too high!") order = int(input('Order of the %s operator? [1-9]\n' % operator)) return order
[docs]def attribute_directory(commands): """Create missing directories and return the working directory. Args: commands (Namespace): Flags for the run management. Returns: (str): Path to the result folder. >>> com = argparse.Namespace() >>> >>> com.theory, com.order = 'BMBPT', 4 >>> com.with_3NF, com.nbody_observable, com.canonical = False, 2, False >>> >>> attribute_directory(com) 'BMBPT/Order-4_2body_observable' >>> >>> com.theory, com.order = 'BMBPT', 5 >>> com.with_3NF, com.nbody_observable, com.canonical = True, 3, False >>> >>> attribute_directory(com) 'BMBPT/Order-5_3body_observable_with3N' >>> >>> com.theory, com.order = 'MBPT', 3 >>> com.with_3NF, com.nbody_observable, com.canonical = False, 2, False >>> >>> attribute_directory(com) 'MBPT/Order-3' >>> >>> com.theory, com.order = 'BIMSRG', (1,2,3) >>> >>> attribute_directory(com) 'BIMSRG/Order_1_2_3' """ directory = '%s/' % commands.theory if commands.theory != "BIMSRG": directory += 'Order-%i' % commands.order if commands.canonical: directory += '_canonical' if commands.theory in ('BMBPT', 'PBMBPT'): directory += '_%ibody_observable' % commands.nbody_observable if commands.with_3NF: directory += '_with3N' else: directory += 'Order_%i_%i_%i' % commands.order if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) if not os.path.exists(directory+"/Diagrams"): os.makedirs(directory+"/Diagrams") return directory
[docs]def generate_diagrams(commands, id_generator): """Return a list with diagrams of the appropriate type. Args: commands (Namespace): Flags for the run management. id_generator (UniqueID): A unique ID number generator. Returns: (list): All the diagrams of the appropriate Class and order. """ if commands.theory == "MBPT": diagrams = adg.mbpt.diagrams_generation(commands.order) elif commands.theory in ("BMBPT", "PBMBPT"): diagrams = adg.bmbpt.diagrams_generation(commands.order, commands.with_3NF, commands.nbody_observable, commands.canonical) elif commands.theory == "BIMSRG": diagrams, switch_flag = adg.bimsrg.diagrams_generation(commands.order) else: print("Invalid theory! Exiting program.") exit() print("Number of matrices produced: ", len(diagrams)) diags = [nx.from_numpy_array(diagram, create_using=nx.MultiDiGraph(), parallel_edges=True) for diagram in diagrams] if commands.theory == "MBPT": for i_diag, diag in reversed_enumerate(diags): if (nx.number_weakly_connected_components(diag)) != 1: del diags[i_diag] adg.diag.label_vertices(diags, commands.theory, switch_flag if commands.theory == 'BIMSRG' else -1) if commands.theory in ('BMBPT', "PBMBPT"): diagrams = [adg.bmbpt.BmbptFeynmanDiagram(graph, id_generator.get()) for graph in diags] elif commands.theory == 'MBPT': diagrams = [adg.mbpt.MbptDiagram(graph, id_generator.get()) for graph in diags] elif commands.theory == "BIMSRG": diagrams = [adg.bimsrg.BimsrgDiagram(graph, id_generator.get()) for graph in diags] if commands.theory == "PBMBPT": for idx, diagram in reversed_enumerate(diagrams): new_graphs = adg.pbmbpt.generate_anomalous_diags( diagram, 3 if commands.with_3NF else 2 ) new_diags = [adg.pbmbpt.ProjectedBmbptDiagram(diag, id_generator.get(), idx, spawn_idx) for spawn_idx, diag in enumerate(new_graphs)] del diagrams[idx] adg.pbmbpt.filter_new_diagrams(new_diags, diagrams) diagrams += new_diags return diagrams
[docs]def order_diagrams(diagrams, commands): """Return the ordered unique diagrams with a dict of numbers per type. Args: diagrams (list): The diagrams of the appropriate Class. commands (Namespace): Flags for the run management. Returns: (tuple): First element is the list of ordered and unique diagrams. Second element is a dict with the number of diagrams per type. Third element is a dict with the identifiers of diagrams starting each output file section. """ if commands.theory in ("BMBPT", "PBMBPT"): diagrams, diag_nbs, section_flags = adg.bmbpt.order_diagrams(diagrams) elif commands.theory == "MBPT": diagrams, diag_nbs, section_flags = adg.mbpt.order_diagrams(diagrams) elif commands.theory == "BIMSRG": order = max(commands.order) diagrams, diag_nbs, section_flags = adg.bimsrg.order_diagrams(diagrams, order) # Reattribute a number to the BMBPT diagrams if commands.theory == "BMBPT": for ind, diagram in enumerate(diagrams): diagram.tags[0] = ind return diagrams, diag_nbs, section_flags
[docs]def prepare_drawing_instructions(directory, commands, diagrams, diagrams_time): """Write FeynMP files for the different diagrams. Args: directory (str): Path to the output folder. commands (Namespace): Flags for the run management. diagrams (list): All the diagrams of interest. diagrams_time (list): All the associated TSDs if appropriate. """ create_feynmanmp_files(diagrams, commands.theory, directory, 'diag') if commands.draw_tsds: create_feynmanmp_files(diagrams_time, commands.theory, directory, 'time')
[docs]def create_feynmanmp_files(diagrams, theory, directory, diag_type): """Create and move the appropriate feynmanmp files to the right place. Args: diagrams (list): The studied diagrams. theory (str): Name of the theory of interest. directory (str): Path to the result folder. diag_type (str): Type of studied diagrams used for drawing. """ for diag in diagrams: if theory == "PBMBPT" and diag_type == 'diag': diag_name = '%s_%i_%i' % (diag_type, diag.tags[0], diag.tags[1]) else: diag_name = '%s_%i' % (diag_type, diag.tags[0]) adg.diag.feynmf_generator(diag.graph, 'MBPT' if diag_type == 'time' else theory, diag_name) shutil.move('%s.tex' % diag_name, "%s/Diagrams/%s.tex" % (directory, diag_name))
[docs]def write_file_header(latex_file, commands, diags_nbs): """Write the header of the result tex file. Args: latex_file (file): LaTeX output file of the program. commands (Namespace): Flags to manage the program's run. diags_nbs (dict): Number of diagrams per major type. """ header = "\\documentclass[10pt,a4paper]{article}\n" \ + "\\usepackage[left=2cm,right=2cm," \ + "bottom=2.5cm,top=2.5cm]{geometry}\n" \ + "\\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}\n" \ + "\\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}\n" \ + "\\usepackage{lmodern}\n" \ + "\\usepackage[hyperindex=true]{hyperref}" \ + "\\usepackage[english]{babel}\n\\usepackage{amsmath}\n" \ + "\\usepackage{amsfonts}\n\\usepackage{amssymb}\n" if commands.draw_diags: header = "%s\\usepackage{feynmp-auto}\n" % header if commands.theory in ('BMBPT', 'PBMBPT') and commands.order >= 3: header = "%s\\usepackage[landscape]{geometry}\n" % header if commands.theory != 'BIMSRG': header = header \ + "\\title{Diagrams and algebraic expressions at order %i in %s}\n" \ % (commands.order, commands.theory) \ + "\\author{The ADG Dev Team}\n" else: header = header \ + "\\title{Diagrams and algebraic expressions at order (%i,%i;%i) in BIMSRG}\n" \ % commands.order \ + "\\author{The ADG Dev Team}\n" latex_file.write("%s\n\\begin{document}\n\n\\maketitle\n\n" % header) if commands.theory in ("BMBPT", "PBMBPT"): adg.bmbpt.write_header(latex_file, commands, diags_nbs) elif commands.theory == "MBPT": adg.mbpt.write_header(latex_file, diags_nbs) elif commands.theory == "BIMSRG": adg.bimsrg.write_header(latex_file, commands, diags_nbs) latex_file.write("\n\\tableofcontents\n\n") if commands.theory == "BIMSRG": adg.bimsrg.write_permutator_section(latex_file, commands)
[docs]def compile_manager(directory): """Compile the program's LaTeX ouput file. Args: directory (str): Path to the ouput folder. """ os.chdir(directory) os.system("pdflatex -shell-escape -interaction=batchmode result.tex") # Second compilation for table of contents and diagrams os.system("pdflatex -shell-escape -interaction=batchmode result.tex") os.chdir("../..")
[docs]def clean_folders(directory, commands): """Delete temporary files and folders. Args: directory (str): Path to the output folder. commands (Namespace): Flags to manage the program's run. """ os.chdir(directory) if commands.draw_diags: # Remove the temporary Diagrams folder shutil.rmtree('Diagrams') # Get rid of undesired feynmp files to keep a clean directory for filename in os.listdir('.'): if filename.startswith("time") or filename.startswith("diag") \ or filename.startswith("equivalent"): os.unlink(filename) if commands.compile: # Remove LaTeX auxiliary files os.unlink("result.aux") os.unlink("result.log") os.unlink("result.out") os.unlink("result.toc") os.chdir("../..")