Source code for adg.bimsrg

"""Routines and class for Bogoliubov IMSRG diagrams."""

from future import standard_library
from builtins import range
import math
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from itertools import permutations, product
from more_itertools import powerset
import adg.diag
from import reversed_enumerate

[docs]def two_partitions(number): """Return 2-partitions of the given integer. Args: numbr (int): The integer to partition. Returns: (list): All the 2-partitions as tuples. >>> two_partitions(3) [(0, 3), (1, 2), (2, 1), (3, 0)] >>> two_partitions(0) [(0, 0)] >>> two_partitions(-1) [] """ return [(elem, number - elem) for elem in range(number+1)]
[docs]def diagrams_generation(orders): """Generate diagrams for B-IMSRG. Args: orders (tuple): The B-IMSRG (N_A, N_B, N_C) order of the diagrams. Returns: (tuple): NumPy arrays encoding the adjacency matrices of the graphs, and number of diagrams with the A vertex on top. """ deg_ext_max = 2*orders[-1] diagrams_topA = diagrams_subset(2*orders[0], 2*orders[1], deg_ext_max) diagrams_topB = diagrams_subset(2*orders[1], 2*orders[0], deg_ext_max) return diagrams_topA + diagrams_topB, len(diagrams_topA)
[docs]def diagrams_subset(deg_max_top, deg_max_bot, deg_max_ext): """Generate diagrams for B-IMSRG. Args: orders (tuple): The max ranks (2*N_A, 2*N_B, 2*N_C) of the vertices. Returns: (list): NumPy arrays encoding the adjacency matrices of the graphs. >>> diagrams_subset(2, 2, 0) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [array([[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 2, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]])] >>> len(diagrams_subset(2, 2, 2)) 5 >>> len(diagrams_subset(4, 4, 4)) 41 >>> len(diagrams_subset(0, 0, 0)) 0 """ matrices = [] mat = np.zeros((4, 4), dtype=int) # Pick a valid vertex degree or zero for the external lines for deg_ext in range(0, deg_max_ext + 1, 2): # Split the valid vertex degree between external vertices for deg_0, deg_3 in two_partitions(deg_ext): # Split the vertex degree between the two internal vertices for part_0, part_3 in product(two_partitions(deg_0), two_partitions(deg_3)): mat[0,1], mat[0,2] = part_0 mat[1,3], mat[2,3] = part_3 temp_deg_1 = mat[0,1] + mat[1,3] temp_deg_2 = mat[0,2] + mat[2,3] # Check that internal vertices are both odd/even, as lines # between them will affect their degrees similarly if ((abs(temp_deg_1 - temp_deg_2) % 2) == 0): # Determine how many lines can connect the vertices max_addition = min(deg_max_bot - temp_deg_1, deg_max_top - temp_deg_2) # Check the odd/even character of vertices, since they # must eventually be even min_addition = 2 if (temp_deg_1 % 2 == 0) else 1 for addition in range(min_addition, max_addition+1, 2): temp_mat = mat.copy() temp_mat[1,2] = addition matrices.append(temp_mat) return matrices
[docs]def order_diagrams(diagrams, order): """Order the BIMSRG diagrams and return the number of diags for each type. Args: diagrams (list): The unordered BimsrgDiagrams. order (int): The order of the B-IMSRG truncation. Returns: (tuple): First element are the ordered BimsrgDiagrams. Second element is the number of diagrams for each type. Third element is flags for the output processing. """ diags_per_order = {n: [] for n in range(1, order + 1)} for i_diag, diag in reversed_enumerate(diagrams): diags_per_order[diag.max_degree/2].append(diag) del diagrams[i_diag] diags_nb_per_type = {n: len(diags_per_order[n]) for n in range(1, order + 1)} diagrams = [] for n in range(1, order + 1): diagrams += sorted(diags_per_order[n], key=lambda diag: (diag.ext_io_degree, not diag.is_AB)) diags_nb_per_type['nb_diags'] = len(diagrams) section_flags = {1: 0} for ind, diagram in enumerate(diagrams): diagram.tags[0] = ind if ind == 0: section_flags['new_op_struct'] = [ind] elif diagram.ext_io_degree != diagrams[ind-1].ext_io_degree: section_flags['new_op_struct'].append(ind) for n in range(2, order + 1): index = sum(len(diags_per_order[i]) for i in range(1, n)) section_flags[n] = diagrams[index].tags[0] if diags_per_order[n] else -1 return diagrams, diags_nb_per_type, section_flags
[docs]def write_header(tex_file, commands, diags_nbs): """Write overall header for BIMSRG result file. Args: tex_file (file): The ouput LaTeX file of the program. commands (Namespace): Flags for the program run. diags_nbs (dict): The number of diagrams per type. """ tex_file.write("$C=\\left[A,B\\right]$ " + "with $N_A = %i$, $N_B = %i$ and $N_C = %i$\n\n" % commands.order) tex_file.write("$d_\\mathrm{max} \\equiv \\mathrm{max}(d_A, d_B, d_C)\n\n") tex_file.write("\\par \\vspace{\\baselineskip}\n") tex_file.write("Valid diagrams: %i\n\n" % diags_nbs['nb_diags']) for n in range(1, commands.order[-1] + 1): tex_file.write("$d_\\mathrm{max} = %i$ diagrams: %i\n\n" % (n, diags_nbs[n]))
[docs]def write_permutator_section(tex_file, commands): """Write the section defining permutation operators. Args: tex_file (file): The ouput LaTeX file of the program. commands (Namespace): Flags for the program run. """ tex_file.write("\\section{Permutators definitions}\n\n" + "\\begin{align*}\n") # Number of external legs is at most two times N_C for max_index in range(2, 2*commands.order[-1] + 1): indices = list(range(1, max_index + 1)) # Split our qp states in two subgroups of varying length for partition in ((indices[:n], indices[n:]) for n in range(1, len(indices)//2 + 1)): tex_file.write(permutator(partition[0], partition[1])) tex_file.write("\\end{align*}\n")
[docs]def permutator(set_1, set_2): """Write the definition of the permutation operator given by the two sets. Args: set_1 (list): The list of the left-hand-side qp labels. set_2 (list): The list of the right-hand-side qp labels. Returns: (str): The LaTeX expression for the permutation operator. >>> print(permutator([1, 2], [3])) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE P(k_{1}k_{2}/k_{3}) &= 1 - P_{k_{1} k_{3}} - P_{k_{2} k_{3}} \\\\\n """ perm_op = 'P(%s/%s) &= 1 ' % ("".join('k_{%i}' % label for label in set_1), "".join('k_{%i}' % label for label in set_2)) # Combine all possible subsets of both sets for subset_1, subset_2 in product(powerset(set_1), powerset(set_2)): # Ensure each qp state has a permutation partner, exclude the empty set if (len(subset_1) == len(subset_2)) and (len(subset_1) > 0): # Run through all permutations of the first subset for permutation in permutations(subset_1): perm_op += '+ ' if len(subset_1) % 2 == 0 else '- ' for elem in zip(permutation, subset_2): perm_op += 'P_{k_{%i} k_{%i}} ' % elem perm_op += "\\\\\n" return perm_op
[docs]class BimsrgDiagram(adg.diag.Diagram): """Describes a B-IMSRG Feynman diagram with its related properties. Attributes: adjacency_mat (Numpy array): The adjacency matrix of the diagram. unique_id (int): A unique number associated to the diagram. expr (str): The B-IMSRG expression associated to the diagram. ext_io_degree (tuple): The degree of the operator component the diagram corresponds to. is_AB (bool): True if the diagram contributes to +AB, false if to -BA. """ __slots__ = ('adjacency_mat', 'unique_id', 'ext_io_degree', '_vert_exchange_sym_fact', 'expr', 'is_AB') def __init__(self, nx_graph, tag_num): """Generate a BMBPT diagrams using a NetworkX graph. Args: nx_graph (NetworkX MultiDiGraph): The graph of interest. tag_num (int): The tag number associated to the diagram. """ adg.diag.Diagram.__init__(self, nx_graph) self.tags = [tag_num] self.unique_id = tag_num self.adjacency_mat = nx.to_numpy_array(self.graph, dtype=int) self.expr = self.attribute_expression() self.max_degree = max(self.unsort_degrees[0] + self.unsort_degrees[3], self.unsort_degrees[1], self.unsort_degrees[2]) self.ext_io_degree = (self.unsort_degrees[0], self.unsort_degrees[3]) self.is_AB = True if self.graph.nodes[2]['operator'] == 'A' else False
[docs] def attribute_expression(self): """Returns the LaTeX expression of the diagram. The expression is extracted in a way that assumes the canonical representation of the vertices as well as a labeling of the external lines that would correspond to a canonical representation of the C operator vertex. As such, there is no sign factor associated to departing from the canonical representation of the diagram. This additionally prevents any line crossing from appearing. Returns: (str): The LaTeX expression for the diagram. """ A_degrees = self.unsort_io_degrees[1] \ if self.graph.nodes[1]['operator'] == 'A' \ else self.unsort_io_degrees[2] B_degrees = self.unsort_io_degrees[1] \ if self.graph.nodes[1]['operator'] == 'B' \ else self.unsort_io_degrees[2] name = " C^{%i%i}(%i%i,%i%i) = " \ % (self.unsort_degrees[3], self.unsort_degrees[0], A_degrees[1], A_degrees[0], B_degrees[1], B_degrees[0]) return name + self.sign() + self.permutator() \ + self.symmetry_factor() + self.vertices_expression()
[docs] def sign(self): """Return the sign of the diagram. As the diagrams are made with vertices in canonical representation and avoiding crossings, the only sign left is associated with the commutator. Returns: (str): The sign of the diagram. """ return '- ' if self.graph.nodes[2]['operator'] == 'B' else ''
[docs] def permutator(self): """Return the permutator associated to the diagram. The labelling of the external lines correspond to the canonical representation of the C operator vertex. Returns: (str): The permutator associated to the diagram in LaTeX format. """ # Number of external lines tied to each vertex nb_out_2 = self.adjacency_mat[2, 3] nb_in_2 = self.adjacency_mat[0, 2] nb_out_1 = self.adjacency_mat[1, 3] nb_in_1 = self.adjacency_mat[0, 1] perm = "" # Permutator for out-going lines if (nb_out_2 != 0) and (nb_out_1 != 0): perm += "P(%s/%s) " \ % ("".join('k_{%i}' % (idx + 1) for idx in range(nb_out_2)), "".join('k_{%i}' % (idx + 1) for idx in range(nb_out_2, nb_out_2 + nb_out_1))) # Permutator for incoming lines if (nb_in_2 != 0) and (nb_in_1 != 0): perm += "P(%s/%s) " \ % ("".join('k_{%i}' % (idx + 1) for idx in range(nb_out_2 + nb_out_1, nb_out_2 + nb_out_1 + nb_in_2)), "".join('k_{%i}' % (idx + 1) for idx in range(nb_out_2 + nb_out_1 + nb_in_2, nb_out_2 + nb_out_1 + nb_in_2 + nb_in_1))) return perm
[docs] def symmetry_factor(self): """Returns the symmetry factor of the diagram in LaTeX format. Returns: (str): The LaTeX-formatted symmetry factor. """ # Count the number of internal lines factor = math.factorial(self.adjacency_mat[1, 2]) return "\\frac{1}{%i}" % factor if factor != 1 else ""
[docs] def vertices_expression(self): """Return the expression associated to the vertices in LaTeX format. The expressions are extracted in a way that assumes the canonical representation of the vertices as well as a labeling of the external lines that would correspond to a canonical representation of the C operator vertex. This prevents any crossing as well as additional sign tied to departing from the canonical representation. Returns: (str): The LaTeX-formatted expression for the vertices. """ internal_lines = "".join("p_{%i}" % label for label in range(1, self.adjacency_mat[1, 2] + 1)) # Number of external lines tied to each vertex nb_out_2 = self.adjacency_mat[2, 3] nb_in_2 = self.adjacency_mat[0, 2] nb_out_1 = self.adjacency_mat[1, 3] nb_in_1 = self.adjacency_mat[0, 1] # Expression associated to the upper vertex expr_2 = "%s^{%i%i}_{%s %s}" \ % (self.graph.nodes[2]['operator'], self.unsort_io_degrees[2][1], self.unsort_io_degrees[2][0], "".join('k_{%i}' % (idx + 1) for idx in range(nb_out_2)) + "".join('k_{%i}' % (idx + 1) for idx in range(nb_out_2 + nb_out_1, nb_out_2 + nb_out_1 + nb_in_2)), internal_lines) # Expression associated to the lower vertex expr_1 = "%s^{%i%i}_{%s %s}" \ % (self.graph.nodes[1]['operator'], self.unsort_io_degrees[1][1], self.unsort_io_degrees[1][0], internal_lines, "".join('k_{%i}' % (idx + 1) for idx in range(nb_out_2, nb_out_2 + nb_out_1)) + "".join('k_{%i}' % (idx + 1) for idx in range(nb_out_2 + nb_out_1 + nb_in_2, nb_out_2 + nb_out_1 + nb_in_2 + nb_in_1))) return "\\sum_{%s} %s %s" % (internal_lines, expr_2, expr_1)
[docs] def write_section(self, result, commands, section_flags): """Write section and subsections for BMBPT result file. Args: result (file): The LaTeX output file of the program. commands (dict): The flags associated with run management. section_flags (dict): UniqueIDs of diags starting each section. """ for n in range(1, commands.order[-1] + 1): if self.tags[0] == section_flags[n]: result.write("\\section{$d_\\mathrm{max} = %i$}\n\n" % n) if self.tags[0] in section_flags['new_op_struct']: result.write("\\subsection{$C^{%i%i}$}\n\n" % (self.ext_io_degree[1], self.ext_io_degree[0])) result.write("\\paragraph{Diagram %i (%s):}\n" % (self.tags[0] + 1, '$+AB$' if self.is_AB else '$-BA$')) result.write("\\begin{equation}\n%s\n\\end{equation}\n" % self.expr)