Source code for adg.mbpt

"""Routines and class for Many-Body Perturbation Theory diagrams."""
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division

from builtins import map
from builtins import range
from import reversed_enumerate
import copy
import itertools
import string
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import adg.diag

[docs]def diagrams_generation(order): """Generate the diagrams for the MBPT case. Args: order (int): The perturbative order of interest. Returns: (list): A list of NumPy arrays with the diagrams adjacency matrices. >>> diagrams_generation(2) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [array([[0, 2], [2, 0]])] >>> diagrams_generation(3) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [array([[0, 2, 0], [0, 0, 2], [2, 0, 0]]), array([[0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0]]), array([[0, 0, 2], [2, 0, 0], [0, 2, 0]])] >>> diagrams_generation(1) [] """ # Generate all 1-magic square of dimension order seeds = [k for k in itertools.permutations(list(range(order)), order)] all_matrices = [[[0 if i != j else 1 for i in range(order)] for j in k] for k in seeds] traceless = adg.diag.no_trace(all_matrices) coeffs = [i for i in itertools.combinations_with_replacement( list(range(len(traceless))), 2)] double = [] for coef in coeffs: matrix = copy.deepcopy(traceless[coef[0]]) for i, line in enumerate(traceless[coef[1]]): for j, elem in enumerate(line): matrix[i][j] += elem double.append(matrix) double_uniq = [] for matrix in double: if matrix not in double_uniq: double_uniq.append(matrix) double_uniq.sort(reverse=True) return [np.array(matrix) for matrix in double_uniq]
[docs]def write_diag_exp(latex_file, mbpt_diag): """Write the expression associated to a diagram in the LaTeX file. Args: latex_file (file): The LaTeX output file to be written in. mbpt_diag (MbptDiagram): The diagram which expression is being written. """ latex_file.write("\\begin{equation}\n") latex_file.write(mbpt_diag.expr) latex_file.write("\\end{equation}\n")
[docs]def write_header(tex_file, diags_nbs): """Write tha appropriate header for the LaTeX file for MBPT diagrams. Args: tex_file (file): The LaTeX ouput file to be written in. diags_nbs (dict): A dict with the number of diagrams per excitation level type. """ tex_file.write("Valid diagrams: %i\n\n" % diags_nbs['nb_diags'] + "Singles: %i\n\n" % diags_nbs['singles'] + "Doubles: %i\n\n" % diags_nbs['doubles'] + "Triples: %i\n\n" % diags_nbs['triples'] + "Quadruples: %i\n\n" % diags_nbs['quadruples'] + "Quintuples and higher excitation levels: %i\n\n" % diags_nbs['quintuples+'])
[docs]def order_diagrams(diagrams): """Order the MBPT diagrams and return the number of diags for each type. Args: diagrams (list): The unordered MbptDiagrams. Returns: (tuple): First element are the ordered MbptDiagrams. Second element is the number of diagrams for each excitation level type. """ singles = [] doubles = [] triples = [] quadruples = [] quintuples_and_higher = [] for i_diag, diag in reversed_enumerate(diagrams): if diag.excitation_level == 1: singles.append(diag) elif diag.excitation_level == 2: doubles.append(diag) elif diag.excitation_level == 3: triples.append(diag) elif diag.excitation_level == 4: quadruples.append(diag) elif diag.excitation_level >= 5: quintuples_and_higher.append(diag) else: print("Zero or negative excitation level!\n") exit() del diagrams[i_diag] diagrams = singles + doubles + triples + quadruples \ + quintuples_and_higher for ind, diagram in enumerate(diagrams): diagram.tags[0] = ind attribute_conjugate(diagrams) diags_nb_per_type = { 'nb_diags': len(diagrams), 'singles': len(singles), 'doubles': len(doubles), 'triples': len(triples), 'quadruples': len(quadruples), 'quintuples+': len(quintuples_and_higher) } section_flags = { 'singles': singles[0].tags[0] if singles else -1, 'doubles': doubles[0].tags[0] if doubles else -1, 'triples': triples[0].tags[0] if triples else -1, 'quadruples': quadruples[0].tags[0] if quadruples else -1, 'quintuples+': quintuples_and_higher[0].tags[0] if quintuples_and_higher else -1 } return diagrams, diags_nb_per_type, section_flags
[docs]def attribute_conjugate(diagrams): """Attribute to each diagram its complex conjugate. The diagrams involved in conjugate pairs receive the tag associated to their partner in the ``complex_conjugate`` attribute. Args: diagrams (list): The topologically unique MbptDiagrams. """ for idx, diag1 in enumerate(diagrams): if diag1.complex_conjugate == -1: for diag2 in diagrams[idx+1:]: if diag2.complex_conjugate == -1 \ and diag1.is_complex_conjug_of(diag2): diag1.complex_conjugate = diag2.tags[0] diag2.complex_conjugate = diag1.tags[0] break
[docs]def extract_cd_denom(start_graph, subgraph): """Extract the computer-readable denominator using the subgraph rule. Args: start_graph (NetworkX MultiDiGraph): The studied graph. subgraph (NetworkX MultiDiGraph): The subgaph for this particular factor. Returns: (str): The denominator factor associated to this subgraph. """ denomin = "{" \ + "".join("%s, " % propa[3]['qp_state'] for propa in start_graph.in_edges(subgraph, keys=True, data=True) if not subgraph.has_edge(propa[0], propa[1], propa[2])) \ + "".join("%s, " % propa[3]['qp_state'] for propa in start_graph.out_edges(subgraph, keys=True, data=True) if not subgraph.has_edge(propa[0], propa[1], propa[2])) denomin = denomin.strip(', ') + '}' return denomin
[docs]class MbptDiagram(adg.diag.Diagram): """Describes a MBPT diagram with its related properties. Attributes: incidence (NumPy array): The incidence matrix of the graph. excitation_level (int): The single, double, etc., excitation character. complex_conjugate (int): The tag number of the diagram's complex conjugate. -1 is the graph has none. expr (str): The MBPT expression associated to the diagram. cd_expr (str): The expression associated to the diagram in a computer-readable format. adjacency_mat (NumPy array): The adjacency matrix of the graph. """ __slots__ = ('incidence', 'excitation_level', 'complex_conjugate', 'expr', 'cd_expr', 'adjacency_mat') def __init__(self, mbpt_graph, tag_num): """Generate a MBPT diagram using the appropriate NetworkX graph. Args: mbpt_graph (NetworkX MultiDiGraph): The actual diagram. tag_num (int): The tag number associated to the graph. """ adg.diag.Diagram.__init__(self, mbpt_graph) self.tags = [tag_num] # Beware of the sign convention !!! self.incidence = - nx.incidence_matrix(self.graph, oriented=True).todense() self.attribute_ph_labels() self.attribute_expression() self.excitation_level = self.calc_excitation() self.complex_conjugate = -1 self.loops_number() self.adjacency_mat = nx.to_numpy_matrix(self.graph, dtype=int)
[docs] def attribute_expression(self): """Initialize the expression associated to the diagram.""" sign = "-" if (self.count_hole_lines() - self.loops_number()) % 2 == 1 else "" eq_lines = np.array(self.incidence.transpose()) neq_lines = np.asarray(list(i for i in set(map(tuple, eq_lines)))) nedges_eq = 2**(len(eq_lines)-len(neq_lines)) self.expr = sign \ + ("\\dfrac{1}{%i}" % nedges_eq if nedges_eq != 1 else "") \ + "\\sum{\\dfrac{%s}{%s}}\n" % (self.extract_numerator(), self.extract_denominator()) self.cd_expr = "{%i, {%s}, {%s}};" % (nedges_eq, self.cd_numerator(), self.cd_denominator())
[docs] def calc_excitation(self): """Return an integer coding for the excitation level of the diag. Returns: (int): The singles / doubles / etc. character of the graph. """ max_excited_states = 0 for row in range(1, self.graph.number_of_nodes()): nb_excited_states = sum(1 for col in range(self.graph.number_of_edges()) if self.incidence[0:row, col].sum() == 1) if nb_excited_states > max_excited_states \ and nb_excited_states != 2: max_excited_states = nb_excited_states return max_excited_states if max_excited_states != 0 else 2
[docs] def count_hole_lines(self): """Return an integer for the number of hole lines in the graph. Returns: (int): The number of holes in the diagram. """ return sum(1 for edge in self.graph.edges() if edge[0] > edge[1])
[docs] def is_complex_conjug_of(self, test_diagram): """Return True if self and test_diagram are complex conjugate. Args: test_diagram (MbptDiagram): A diagram to compare with. Return: (bool): The complex conjugate status of the pair of diagrams. """ # Check the adjacency mat against the anti-transposed one of test_diag return np.array_equal(self.adjacency_mat, test_diagram.adjacency_mat[::-1, ::-1].T)
[docs] def attribute_ph_labels(self): """Attribute the appropriate qp labels to the graph's propagators.""" labels = list(string.ascii_lowercase) # Labelling needs to be shifted for higher orders if len(self.graph) < 6: h_labels, p_labels = labels[0:8], labels[8:] else: h_labels, p_labels = labels[0:13], labels[13:] for prop in self.graph.edges(keys=True, data=True): prop[3]['qp_state'] = h_labels.pop(0) if prop[0] < prop[1] \ else p_labels.pop(0)
[docs] def extract_denominator(self): """Return the denominator for a MBPT graph. Returns: (str): The denominator of the diagram. """ denominator = "" graph = self.graph vertices = list(range(1, len(graph))) while len(vertices) >= 1: denominator += "%s\\ " % adg.diag.extract_denom( graph, graph.subgraph(vertices)) del vertices[0] return denominator
[docs] def cd_denominator(self): """Return the computer-readable denominator of the graph. Return: (str): The graph denominator tailored for automated frameworks. """ denominator = "" graph = self.graph vertices = list(range(1, len(graph))) while len(vertices) >= 1: denominator += "%s, " % extract_cd_denom(graph, graph.subgraph(vertices)) del vertices[0] return denominator.strip(', ')
[docs] def extract_numerator(self): """Return the numerator associated to a MBPT graph. Returns: (str): The numerator of the diagram. """ graph = self.graph numerator = "" for vertex in graph: # First add the qp states corresponding to propagators going out numerator += "v_{" + "".join( prop[3]['qp_state'] for prop in graph.out_edges(vertex, keys=True, data=True)) # Add the qp states corresponding to propagators coming in numerator += "".join( prop[3]['qp_state'] for prop in graph.in_edges(vertex, keys=True, data=True)) \ + "} " return numerator
[docs] def cd_numerator(self): """Return the computer-readable numerator. Returns: (str): The graph numerator tailored for automated frameworks. """ graph = self.graph numerator = "" for vertex in graph: # Attribute the correct operator to each vertex numerator += "{" # First add the qp states corresponding to propagators going out numerator += ", ".join( prop[3]['qp_state'] for prop in graph.out_edges(vertex, keys=True, data=True)) numerator += ', ' # Add the qp states corresponding to propagators coming in numerator += ", ".join( prop[3]['qp_state'] for prop in graph.in_edges(vertex, keys=True, data=True)) numerator = numerator.strip(', ') + "}, " return numerator.strip(', ')
[docs] def loops_number(self): """Return the number of loops in the diagram as an integer. Returns: (int): The number of loops in the graph. """ nb_loops = 0 nb_checked_props = 0 diag = self.graph nx.set_edge_attributes(diag, False, 'checked') while nb_checked_props < diag.number_of_edges(): prop = list(edge for edge in diag.edges(keys=True, data=True) if edge[3]['checked'] is False)[0] while prop[3]['checked'] is False: prop[3]['checked'] = True nb_checked_props += 1 left_right_label = list(diag.in_edges(prop[1], keys=True, data=True)).index(prop) prop = list(diag.out_edges(prop[1], keys=True, data=True))[left_right_label] nb_loops += 1 return nb_loops
[docs] def write_section(self, result, commands, flags): """Write sections for MBPT result file. Args: result (file): The LaTeX output file to be written in. commands (dict): The flags associated with run management. flags (dict): The identifier of each section-starting graph. """ if self.tags[0] == flags['singles']: result.write("\\section{Singles}\n\n") elif self.tags[0] == flags['doubles']: result.write("\\section{Doubles}\n\n") elif self.tags[0] == flags['triples']: result.write("\\section{Triples}\n\n") elif self.tags[0] == flags['quadruples']: result.write("\\section{Quadruples}\n\n") elif self.tags[0] == flags['quintuples+']: result.write("\\section{Quintuples and higher}\n\n") result.write("\\paragraph{Diagram %i:}\n" % (self.tags[0] + 1)) if self.complex_conjugate >= 0: result.write("Complex conjugate diagram: %i\n" % (self.complex_conjugate + 1)) write_diag_exp(result, self)