Source code for adg.pbmbpt

"""Routines and class for Projected Bogoliubov MBPT diagrams."""
from __future__ import division

from builtins import str
from builtins import range
from past.utils import old_div
from operator import xor
import copy
import itertools
import networkx as nx
import adg.bmbpt
import adg.tsd
import adg.diag

[docs]def generate_anomalous_diags(diag, nbody_max): """Generate PBMBPT graphs with anomalous lines, with some redundancy. Args: diag (BmbptFeynmanDiagram): The diagram to generate children from. nbody_max (int): The maximal n-body character of a graph vertex. Returns: list: The anomalous graphs generated. """ graph = diag.graph anom_graphs = [graph] vertices = [vert for vert in graph if not graph.nodes[vert]['operator']] nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, False, 'anomalous') # Turn normal propagators in anomalous ones tweakable_edges = [] for vert1 in vertices: for vert2 in vertices[vert1:]: tweakable_edges += [(vert1, vert2) for _ in range(graph.number_of_edges(vert1, vert2))] for comb in unique_edge_combinations(tweakable_edges, diag.equivalent_permutations()): new_graph = copy.deepcopy(graph) for edge in comb: key = sum(1 for prop in new_graph.out_edges(edge[0], keys=True, data=True) if edge[1] == prop[1] and not prop[3]['anomalous']) - 1 new_graph[edge[0]][edge[1]][key]['anomalous'] = True anom_graphs.append(new_graph) # Loop to generate self-contractions for iter_graph in reversed(anom_graphs): test_vertices = [] for v in vertices: test_vertices += [v for _ in range(nbody_max - (old_div(, 2)))] if test_vertices: for comb in unique_vertex_combinations( test_vertices, equiv_generating_permutations(iter_graph)): new_graph = copy.deepcopy(iter_graph) new_graph.add_edges_from(((vert, vert) for vert in comb), anomalous=True) anom_graphs.append(new_graph) return anom_graphs
[docs]def generate_combinations(iter_list): """Generate all possible combinations of length 1 to total. Args: iter_list (list): A list of iterable objects. Returns: list: A list with all the possible combinations of all lengths. >>> print(generate_combinations([1, 2, 3])) [(1,), (1, 2), (1, 2, 3), (1, 3), (2,), (2, 3), (3,)] """ combinations = [] for i in range(1, len(iter_list) + 1): combinations += [k for k in itertools.combinations(iter_list, i)] # Remove duplicates return sorted(set(combinations))
[docs]def unique_edge_combinations(edges, permutations): """Return all edge combinations not producing equivalent anomalous graphs. Args: edges (list): The edges that can be modified. permutations (list): The permutation generating equivalent diagrams. Returns: list: The list of edges producing unique anomalous diagrams. >>> edges = [(1, 3), (2, 3)] >>> permutations = [{1: 1, 2: 2}, {1: 2, 2: 1}] >>> print(unique_edge_combinations(edges, permutations)) [((1, 3), (2, 3)), ((2, 3),)] """ edge_combs = generate_combinations(edges) if len(permutations) <= 1: return edge_combs unique_edge_combs = copy.deepcopy(edge_combs) for idx, comb1 in enumerate(edge_combs): for comb2 in edge_combs[idx+1:]: is_same_perm = False if len(comb1) == len(comb2): for permutation in permutations[1:]: new_comb = [] for edge in comb2: new_0 = permutation[edge[0]] \ if edge[0] in permutation.keys() else edge[0] new_1 = permutation[edge[1]] \ if edge[1] in permutation.keys() else edge[1] new_comb.append(tuple((new_0, new_1))) if sorted(comb1) == sorted(new_comb): is_same_perm = True break if is_same_perm: unique_edge_combs.remove(comb1) break return unique_edge_combs
[docs]def unique_vertex_combinations(vertices, permutations): """Return vertex combinations generating unique anomalous diagrams. Return combinations of vertices on which self-contractions can be added without producing topologically equivalent PBMBPT diagrams. Args: vertices (list): Vertices that can be self-contracted. permutations (list): The permutations that generate equivalent diags. Returns: list: Vertex combinations that do not produce equivalent diags. >>> vertices = [1, 3] >>> permutations = [{1: 1, 3: 3}, {1: 3, 3: 1}] >>> print(unique_vertex_combinations(vertices, permutations)) [(1, 3), (3,)] """ combinations = generate_combinations(vertices) if len(combinations) <= 1: return combinations unique_combs = copy.deepcopy(combinations) for idx, comb1 in enumerate(combinations): for comb2 in combinations[idx+1:]: is_same_perm = False if len(comb1) == len(comb2): # Skip the identity for permutation in permutations[1:]: new_comb2 = [permutation[item] if item in permutation.keys() else item for item in comb2] if sorted(comb1) == sorted(new_comb2): is_same_perm = True break if is_same_perm: unique_combs.remove(comb1) break return unique_combs
[docs]def equiv_generating_permutations(graph): """Return the list of permutations generating equivalent PBMBPT diags. Args: graph (Networkx MultiDiGraph): The graph to be checked. Returns: list: The mappings giving equivalent graphs, inc. identity. """ op_nm = nx.algorithms.isomorphism.categorical_node_match('operator', False) anom_em = nx.algorithms.isomorphism.categorical_multiedge_match('anomalous', False) unsort_io_degrees = [] for node in graph: # Edges going out that are anomalous are annihilators going in nb_anom_out_edges = sum(1 for edge in graph.out_edges(node, data=True, keys=True) if edge[3]['anomalous']) # And thus should be decounted to NetworkX's out_degree... out_degree = graph.out_degree(node) - nb_anom_out_edges # ...and added to NetworkX's in_degree in_degree = graph.in_degree(node) + nb_anom_out_edges unsort_io_degrees.append((in_degree, out_degree)) unsort_io_degrees = tuple(unsort_io_degrees) perm_vertices = [vertex for vertex, degrees in enumerate(unsort_io_degrees) if not graph.nodes[vertex]['operator'] and unsort_io_degrees.count(degrees) >= 2] permutations = [] doubled_graph = adg.diag.create_checkable_diagram(graph) for permutation in itertools.permutations(perm_vertices): permuted_graph = nx.relabel_nodes(doubled_graph, dict(list(zip(perm_vertices, permutation))), copy=True) intersection = copy.deepcopy(doubled_graph) intersection.remove_edges_from(e for e in doubled_graph.edges() if e not in permuted_graph.edges()) matcher = nx.algorithms.isomorphism.DiGraphMatcher(doubled_graph, intersection, node_match=op_nm, edge_match=anom_em) if matcher.is_isomorphic(): permutations.append(dict(list(zip(perm_vertices, permutation)))) return permutations
[docs]def filter_new_diagrams(new_diags, old_diags): """Eliminate diagrams having a topologically equivalent diag. Args: new_diags (list): The list of newly created PBMBPT diagrams. old_diags (list): The list of already checked PBMBPT diagrams. """ iso = nx.algorithms.isomorphism op_nm = iso.categorical_node_match('operator', False) anom_em = iso.categorical_multiedge_match('anomalous', False) for ind, new_diag in # Only anomalous props that are not self-contractions can produce # topologically equivalent diagrams through our generation process if new_diag.has_anom_non_selfcontracted_props(): for new_diag_2 in new_diags[:ind]: if new_diag_2.io_degrees == new_diag.io_degrees \ and new_diag_2.has_anom_non_selfcontracted_props(): matcher = iso.DiGraphMatcher(new_diag.check_graph, new_diag_2.check_graph, node_match=op_nm, edge_match=anom_em) if matcher.is_isomorphic(): del new_diags[ind] break else: # Go through the list backwards: first items are BMBPT diags for old_diag in reversed(old_diags): if not isinstance(old_diag, ProjectedBmbptDiagram): # All PBMBPT diags have been parsed break if old_diag.io_degrees == new_diag.io_degrees \ and old_diag.has_anom_non_selfcontracted_props(): matcher = iso.DiGraphMatcher(old_diag.check_graph, new_diag.check_graph, node_match=op_nm, edge_match=anom_em) if matcher.is_isomorphic(): del new_diags[ind] break
[docs]class ProjectedBmbptDiagram(adg.bmbpt.BmbptFeynmanDiagram): """Describes a PBMBPT diagram with its related properties. Args: graph (NetworkX MultiDiGraph): The graph of interest. unique_id (int): The unique number associated to the diagram. tag (int): Tag of the parent BMBPT diagram. child_tag (int): Identifier of the PBMBPT diagram within the children of the BMBPT diagram. """ __slots__ = ('_check_graph',) def __init__(self, graph, unique_id, tag, child_tag): """Generate a PBMBPT diagram by copying a BMBPT one.""" adg.bmbpt.BmbptFeynmanDiagram.__init__(self, graph, unique_id) self.tags = [tag, child_tag] self.set_io_degrees() self._check_graph = None """NetworkX MultiDiGraph: A copy of the graph that can be used for topological equivalence checks (lazy-initialized)."""
[docs] def set_io_degrees(self): """Attribute the correct in- and out-degrees to a PBMBPT diagram.""" unsort_io_degrees = [] for node in self.graph: # Edges going out that are anomalous are annihilators going in nb_anom_out_edges = sum(1 for edge in self.graph.out_edges(nbunch=node, data=True, keys=True) if edge[3]['anomalous']) # And thus should be decounted to NetworkX's out_degree... out_degree = self.graph.out_degree(node) - nb_anom_out_edges # ...and added to NetworkX's in_degree in_degree = self.graph.in_degree(node) + nb_anom_out_edges unsort_io_degrees.append((in_degree, out_degree)) self.unsort_io_degrees = tuple(unsort_io_degrees) self.io_degrees = tuple(sorted(self.unsort_io_degrees)) self._check_graph = None
[docs] def extract_integral(self): """Return the integral part of the Feynman expression of the diag. Returns: str: The integral part of its Feynman expression. """ pert_vertex_indices = list(range(1, len(self.graph))) integral = "".join("\\mathrm{d}\\tau_%i" % vertex for vertex in pert_vertex_indices) normal_props = [prop for prop in self.graph.edges(data='anomalous') if not prop[2]] if len(pert_vertex_indices) > 1: for vertex_i in pert_vertex_indices: integral += "".join("\\theta(\\tau_%i-\\tau_%i) " % (vertex_j, vertex_i) for vertex_j in pert_vertex_indices if (vertex_i, vertex_j, False) in normal_props) integral += "".join("e^{-\\tau_%i %s}" % (vertex, self.vert_exp[vertex]) for vertex in pert_vertex_indices) return integral
[docs] def attribute_qp_labels(self): """Attribute the appropriate qp labels to the graph's propagators.""" idx_counter = 1 for prop in self.graph.edges(keys=True, data=True): if prop[3]['anomalous']: prop[3]['qp_state'] = "k_{%i}k_{%i}" % (idx_counter + 1, idx_counter) idx_counter += 2 else: prop[3]['qp_state'] = "k_{%i}" % idx_counter idx_counter += 1
[docs] def vertex_expression(self, vertex): """Return the expression associated to a given vertex. Args: vertex (int): The vertex of interest in the graph. Returns: str: The LaTeX expression associated to the vertex. """ expression = r"\epsilon^{" \ + "".join("%s" % prop[3]['qp_state'] for prop in self.graph.out_edges(vertex, keys=True, data=True) if not prop[3]['anomalous']) \ + "}_{" \ + "".join("%s" % (prop[3]['qp_state'].split("}")[0] + "}" if prop[3]['anomalous'] else prop[3]['qp_state']) for prop in self.graph.in_edges(vertex, keys=True, data=True)) \ + "".join("%s" % (prop[3]['qp_state'].split("}")[1] + "}") for prop in self.graph.out_edges(vertex, keys=True, data=True) if prop[3]['anomalous']) \ + "}" return expression
[docs] def has_sign_factor(self): """Return True if a sign factor is associated to the diagram. Wrapper allowing for easy refactoring of expression code. Returns: bool: The presence of a sign factor. """ # Use exclusive or for the sign factor return xor(self.has_crossing_sign(), self.has_anom_props_linked_sign())
[docs] def extract_numerator(self): """Return the numerator associated to a PBMBPT graph. Returns: str: The numerator of the graph. """ graph = self.graph numerator = "" for vertex in graph: # Attribute the correct operator to each vertex numerator += r"\tilde{O}" if graph.nodes[vertex]['operator'] \ else "\\Omega" # Attribute the good "type number" to each vertex numerator += "^{%i%i}_{" % (self.unsort_io_degrees[vertex][1], self.unsort_io_degrees[vertex][0]) # First add the qp states corresponding to propagators going out numerator += "".join(prop[3]['qp_state'] for prop in graph.out_edges(vertex, keys=True, data=True) if not prop[3]['anomalous']) # Add the qp states corresponding to propagators coming in previous_vertex = vertex - 1 # Iterate over the lower vertices while previous_vertex >= 0: # Start with normal propagators numerator += "".join( prop[3]['qp_state'] for prop in graph.in_edges(vertex, keys=True, data=True) if prop[0] == previous_vertex and not prop[3]['anomalous']) # Read anomalous propagators backwards anom_props = [prop for prop in graph.in_edges(vertex, keys=True, data=True) if prop[0] == previous_vertex and prop[3]['anomalous']] numerator += "".join( (anom_prop[3]['qp_state'].split("}")[0] + "}") for anom_prop in reversed(anom_props) ) previous_vertex -= 1 # Add self-contractions numerator += "".join( (prop[3].split("}")[1] + "}" + prop[3].split("}")[0] + "}") for prop in graph.edges(vertex, keys=True, data='qp_state') if prop[0] == prop[1]) # Add anomalous propagators entering from above numerator += "".join(prop[3]['qp_state'].split("}")[1] + "}" for prop in graph.out_edges(vertex, keys=True, data=True) if prop[3]['anomalous'] and prop[1] > prop[0]) numerator += r"} (\varphi) " if graph.nodes[vertex]['operator'] \ else "} " # Add the terms correspoding to anomalous propagators numerator += " ".join("R^{--}_{%s}(\\varphi)" % prop[3]['qp_state'] for prop in graph.out_edges(keys=True, data=True) if prop[3]['anomalous']) return numerator
[docs] def symmetry_factor(self): """Return the overall symmetry factor of the diagram. Returns: str: The combination of all symmetry factors. """ sym_factor = "" vertex_sym = 1 anom_factor = self.anomalous_contractions_factor() for vertex_degrees in self.unsort_io_degrees: if self.unsort_io_degrees.count(vertex_degrees) >= 2: vertex_sym = self.vertex_exchange_sym_factor break sym_factor += "%i" % (vertex_sym*anom_factor) \ if (vertex_sym*anom_factor) > 1 else "" sym_factor += self.multiplicity_symmetry_factor() return sym_factor
[docs] def multiplicity_symmetry_factor(self): """Return the symmetry factor associated with propagators multiplicity. Returns: str: The symmetry factor associated with equivalent lines. """ factor = "" # Account for up to three-body operators prop_multiplicity = [0 for _ in range(6)] for vertex_i in self.graph: for vertex_j in self.graph: nb_normal_props = sum(1 for prop in self.graph.edges(vertex_i, keys=True, data='anomalous') if prop[1] == vertex_j and not prop[3]) nb_anomalous_props = sum(1 for prop in self.graph.edges(vertex_i, keys=True, data='anomalous') if prop[1] == vertex_j and prop[3]) if nb_anomalous_props >= 2: prop_multiplicity[nb_anomalous_props - 1] += 1 if nb_normal_props >= 2: prop_multiplicity[nb_normal_props - 1] += 1 for prop_id, multiplicity in enumerate(prop_multiplicity): if multiplicity == 1: factor += "(%i!)" % (prop_id+1) elif multiplicity >= 2: factor += "(%i!)" % (prop_id+1) + "^%i" % multiplicity return factor
[docs] def anomalous_contractions_factor(self): """Return the factor associated with anomalous self-contractions. Returns: int: The anomalous self-contractions factor. """ nb_self_contractions = len(list(nx.selfloop_edges(self.graph))) return pow(2, nb_self_contractions)
[docs] def equivalent_permutations(self): """Return the permutations generating equivalent diagrams. Returns: list: Vertices permutations as dictionnaries. """ op_nm = nx.algorithms.isomorphism.categorical_node_match('operator', False) anom_em = nx.algorithms.isomorphism.categorical_multiedge_match( 'anomalous', False) perm_vertices = [vertex for vertex, degrees in enumerate(self.unsort_io_degrees) if not self.graph.nodes[vertex]['operator'] and self.unsort_io_degrees.count(degrees) >= 2] permutations = [] for perm in itertools.permutations(perm_vertices): permuted_graph = nx.relabel_nodes(self.check_graph, dict(list(zip(perm_vertices, perm))), copy=True) # Check for a permutation that leaves the graph unchanged # (only way to keep the edge list of the same length) intersection = copy.deepcopy(self.check_graph) intersection.remove_edges_from(e for e in self.check_graph.edges() if e not in permuted_graph.edges()) check = nx.algorithms.isomorphism.DiGraphMatcher(self.check_graph, intersection, node_match=op_nm, edge_match=anom_em) if check.is_isomorphic(): permutations.append(dict(list(zip(perm_vertices, perm)))) return permutations
[docs] def has_anom_props_linked_sign(self): """Return True if there is a minus sign associated to anom props. Anomalous propagators departing to higher vertices introduce a sign factor if a normal propagator is going to an even higher vertex, as it departs from the canonical representation used for numerator extraction. Returns: bool: The presence of the sign factor. """ counter = 0 for vertex in self.graph: for prop_a in self.graph.out_edges(vertex, keys=True, data='anomalous'): # Check that prop_a is anomalous and not a self-contraction if prop_a[3] and prop_a[1] != prop_a[0]: for prop_b in self.graph.out_edges(vertex, keys=True, data='anomalous'): # Check for a normal prop going to a higher vertex if prop_b[1] > prop_a[1] and not prop_b[3]: counter += 1 # True if overall factor is odd return counter % 2 == 1
[docs] def has_anom_non_selfcontracted_props(self): """Return True if the diagram has anomalous propagators. Returns: bool: The presence of anomalous propagators. """ for prop in self.graph.edges(keys=True, data='anomalous'): if prop[3] and prop[1] != prop[0]: return True return False
[docs] def write_diag_exps(self, latex_file, norder): """Write the expressions associated to a diagram in the LaTeX file. Args: latex_file (file): The LaTeX outputfile of the program. norder (int): The order in BMBPT formalism. """ latex_file.write( "\\begin{align}\n\\text{PO}%i.%i.%i\n" % (norder, (self.tags[0] + 1), (self.tags[1] + 1)) + "&= %s" % self.feynman_exp + r" \nonumber \\" + "\n" + "&= %s\\end{align}\n" % self.diag_exp)
@property def check_graph(self): """Return a graph that can be used for topological equivalence checks. Lazy-initialized to reduce memory and CPU costs as this operation requires a deep copy. Returns: NetworkX MultiDiGraph: The graph with doubled anomalous props. """ if self._check_graph is None: self._check_graph = adg.diag.create_checkable_diagram(self.graph) return self._check_graph
[docs] def write_graph(self, latex_file, directory, write_time): """Write the PBMBPT graph and its associated TSD to the LaTeX file. Args: latex_file (file): The LaTeX output file of the program. directory (str): The path to the result folder. write_time (bool): ``True`` if we want informations on the associated TSDs. """ latex_file.write('\n\\begin{center}\n') adg.diag.draw_diagram(directory, latex_file, "%i_%i" % (self.tags[0], self.tags[1]), 'diag') if write_time: latex_file.write( '\\hspace{10pt} $\\rightarrow$ \\hspace{10pt} T%i:' % (self.time_tag + 1)) adg.diag.draw_diagram(directory, latex_file, str(self.time_tag), 'time') latex_file.write('\n\\end{center}\n\n')